Monday, April 30, 2007

Salvation Is Here

Vinayak, this one is for you. I’ll do my best to approach the matter and I hope my best will be good enough. However, I intend to extrapolate the discussion into other gray areas of life. Also, I will attempt to address the issue from a global point of view rather than a localized one. Please forgive me if you feel I’m straying a tad far. Nevertheless, be assured that I’ll be talking quite a bit on the case study that you’ve presented. For those who don’t know what is going on, please click

One of the telling moments I recall from Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky came when the then President was asked point blank whether he had sex with the White House intern. The answer from arguably the smartest US president was “It depends on what you mean by sex.” Times were hard it seems, in the Clinton dictionary. To be fair, it is not surprising for Bill to be caught in two minds. If he said yes, he would admit to tarnishing the credibility of the White House, his administration and his personal integrity. If he said no, it would just be a blatant lie. So the President opted in the moment of uncertainty to cover his actions with a smoke screen of ambiguity.

While the case above used ambiguity to cover the truth, I personally feel that the path to truth in the case that we are harping on is clouded with ambiguity. Accepting the results of the study strikes me as one stop shopping for the mind.

From a lawful and a sociological point of view, a minor is simply defined as one who is underage. While the drafted bill in the link defines minors as anyone under the age of 18, there is no universal consensus as to what a minor is. In the United States alone, different states have different definitions of minors (U-16, U-17, and U-18). It doesn’t get any better in the British Isles. England, Wales and Northern Ireland (E, W, NI) use the U-18 stand whereas Scotland (S) uses the U-16 one. Messing things up further, they have an age of criminal responsibility that stands at 10 (E, W, NI) and 8 (S).

What is age? It is a number. A number based on the social construction of time. And age is by no means a measure of wisdom. In my opinion, a minor is anyone who has not yet reached the age of accountability regardless of their nominal age. Probing further, the age of accountability can be seen as a stage where one is aware of intent and can weigh the implications of his or her actions. Now, before anyone snipes me (Ouch!) for blurring things further by not even suggesting an appropriate age range, do consider the fact that all of us have different levels of bounded rationality and some people just mature slower. And if you really want an age range, I’ll say 15-20. Twenty may be a tad over the hill but to be old and wise, one must first be young and stupid. Some people are late bloomers.

Moving out from the age debate (I will not do a Bill Clinton and debate sex or sexual abuse!), we face another debacle. This comes in the nature of the study itself. We are presented with figures and it is said that 38.5 % of children were fondled or touched “there”. Also, 24 % said that relatives did that to them! While the outcome of the study may look fine and dandy, I find the level of clarity and reliability abysmal. How was the study conducted and how were the questions presented? How large was the sample size? Which states in India did the study encompass? Can the results be generalized? What background did the participants have? If the study was done in areas or a state where sexual crimes and incest are high, it is likely to result in a very lopsided report. So many questions can be raised and while a study can show a result, a result alone does not suffice as far as the true nature of reality is concerned. In my opinion, there is much to do from an ontological point of view here.

The study lacks validity as well. The sentence “Many children were also of the opinion that they may not have been in an abusive situation, giving credence (to the assumption) that it may have been consensual sexual activity” disturbs me. A child is most definitely a minor but a minor may no longer be a child. And the very fact that the word “children” is blatantly used makes me wonder how valid the study is. A child grows up internalizing personal experiences at a remarkable rate. Their minds are like sponges and while they lack the discerning faculties of their own, they readily accept what is presented to them as real or good or normal. Hence, if a child is frequently exposed to sexual activity or incest, he or she may regard it a norm and there will be little fuss about it. And this corrupted view may stick with them even as they grow up. This sad act done by the relatives involved can result in the manipulation of the mind. Likewise, this study can in some ways be guilty of the manipulation of facts. I apologize if my train of thought appears radical or offensive. I think I’ve been thinking too much on the manufacture of consent and miseducation.

Also, there is the Stockholm syndrome to consider. When a person’s mind is vulnerable and subject to malleability, there is a tendency for them to get brainwashed. At times, they may also develop a fierce loyalty to their abductors or perpetrators. For example, Colleen Stan a.k.a. Carol Smith was held as a sexual captive by Cameron Hooker and his wife from 1977-1984. Imprisoned in appalling and degrading conditions (She was locked up in coffin-like boxes), she was sexually tortured to the point of physical and mental subservience. At times, the opportunity to escape presented itself but Colleen stayed with those lunatics. The issue is, was Colleen brainwashed into accepting her role as a sex slave or was she a consensual lover and a willing partner in her sexual enslavement as Cameron Hooker maintained? Likewise, are the children or minors brainwashed into accepting that the outrage of their sexual modesty is not abuse?

Let’s move on to the juicy bits. Let me share my own experiences. I kind of grew up too fast. My parents didn’t really have the time to spend with me when I was still having my milk teeth and they gave me everything else. I ended up with a mountain of books and I read and read and read. By five, I phased out Hans Christian Andersen ended up reading my mother’s books. Without a guiding hand, or feather duster, I exposed myself too soon to the issue of sexuality.

Although it is ungentlemanly for me to elaborate, I had my first kiss when I was six. Looking back, it wasn’t a very good kiss. My tooth hit her tooth and I think she didn’t really brush that well or at all. Oral hygiene… eww! But anyway, all is forgiven because we are friends now and we understand that although it was a sexual act, it wasn’t harassment as there was no sexual intent involved. For me, it was an innocent gesture and another event on the curious journey to discover my sexuality. For her, I don’t really know what she was thinking and as far as her current dental condition is concerned, please don’t ask me. I don’t want to do that again! Maybe it was good in a way because I learned that a kiss may not be half as sweet as it is hyped out to be. Also, you have to kiss the right girl. Save your lips for someone mature whom you really, really love and respect. Someone who brings out the best in you, someone who loves you for the man you are and for the man you want to be and someone who you’re willing to die for. And take it from me, someone mature who knows how to brush. At least take a mint!

Apart from that incident, I was generally a very well behaved child or minor. My only other walk on the wild side came during a church performance when I was approaching seven years of age. They were having some number shortage that day and they made the fatal decision to combine all children from 5-12 and put the whole bunch of us on stage to sing “Jesus Loves Me This I Know”. I guess I always had this small problem with “authority without reason” and this incident shows it. I was pretty unhappy when some bible school teacher rounded us young kids up and asked us to stand in for the older kids who did a no show. So okay, I got bored on stage singing a song I sang week in, week out. I just had to humour myself. What did I do? I recalled a cartoon where the toons lost their pants and I thought it was pretty funny.

Carnage! I ran all over the stage pulling down other people’s pants. If my memory serves me correctly, the count was four pairs of shorts and a skirt, all of them from the eleven and twelve year olds. The teachers tried to catch me and bring me off but as during my competitive gaming days, I never liked sitting on the bench. Also, I thought that they were playing a game with me and I lead them on a runabout. Being small, I had the advantage of crawling under other people’s legs. Needless to say, mom and dad looked at me like I was the fruitcake and I guess it was good that they were too shocked to spank me. But then again, I might have enjoyed it (Okay… that is just so wrong). Were there victims in this case? Most definitely so! I may be wrong but I believe that the eleven and twelve year old kids had some sense of dignity and unless they liked it, they felt humiliated. Was there a perpetrator? It is arguable as I had no malicious intent whatsoever. I was just watching the wrong cartoon. From this, it can be argued that at times, there is a victim as well as a perpetrator. However, there can also be a victim without a “real” perpetrator. There are other things worth noting from this incident as well. Always learn to wear undergarments early. You never know when they might come in handy.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with exploring one’s sexuality. Discovering one’s sexuality without any malicious intent is just another stage of growing up. But allow me to proceed with a caveat emptor as there are limits. As we grow older, our sexual needs and drives are prone to increase and we need to channel or handle them in the right ways. And yes, in my eyes, the private parts of members of the opposite (or similar) sex are strictly off limits. Cough, cough… I’m straight. Write that down!

As we grow older vis-à-vis members of the opposite sex, we observe changes in their behaviourial and physical traits. These changes make them fascinating and it is only natural for us to be drawn to them. The preferences of desirable traits vary from individual to individual and you and I are no different. For example, I love smart and virtuous women. I am the happiest man in the world when I see a woman who can take charge and still acknowledge the fact that she is a woman who desires the same things as her peers. On the other hand, I have friends who love women who have seemingly never ending legs. Well, I’ve dated sexy, tall and rich before and I dare say that nothing comes close to a virtuous and smart woman. If men find them scary, they probably haven’t met enough women. Mmm… maybe I’m the weirdo here.

With that, another question comes into mind. With all the attraction taking place, what is one to do when things seem to spiral out of control? No, no Michael Bolton’s “Can I Touch You There”. I have a friend who shared his compulsive desire to masturbate with me. While the Bible is silent over this issue, the Talmud condemns the unnecessary spilling of semen or other bodily fluids. Personally, I don’t dare add anything to scripture and I won’t dare venture as far as some people like Dr. James Dobson who view masturbation as a process of growing up that should be embraced. Some even say that it is a blessing from God as it may help one stay away from bigger sins. To me, a sin is a sin no matter how bigger or smaller they may be.

Richard Foster makes it quite clear in his book Money, Sex and Power that one often fantasizes in the act of masturbation. And when you fantasize, the person of your affection does whatever you want them to do. They don’t have a say in anything. I’ll take things one step further by saying that they are reduced to abstractions. Their basic human rights disappear and they become mere objects that serve to please your whim and fancy. And to do this to the man or woman we claim to love is so, so, wrong. If I could do it, I probably haven’t loved her enough. Drawing some inspiration from Scripture, whoever looks at another lustfully has already committed adultery in the heart, or mind. Such an act requires intent and the intentions of someone wanking over the person they supposedly love are hardly worth elaborating on. As for my friend, he kicked his habit. I’m not sure whether I had a part to play in any of that but I told him this. “Masturbation may feel really good until you realize that you’re having sex with yourself.”

So what can minors do? For starters, they can channel their desires in a healthy way. And we are communicative beings just as much as we are sexual beings, if not more. So communicate! Learn more from one another, about one another. Things don’t have to be confined to a bed where the only audible noises come in mono syllables. Instead, learn to respect and love others for who they are and if you have any strength left, learn to love and respect yourself.

With the new knowledge garnered regarding the opposite sex, one is actually more in tune with his or herself. Moving on, one can then answer the more important questions in life, which by some chance, are never really in black or white. For example, let me highlight an extreme story of abortion and discuss it from a personal point of view. On a cold, dark and stormy night… ok, ok. If my wife had critical problems conceiving and it boiled down to saving a life, either hers or the baby, I would pick my woman beyond the shadow of a doubt and allow abortion to take place. She is the reason why I chose to leave my father and mother in the first place to go and be in one union with her. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether she can give birth to a baby or two babies or 101 babies. I love her for who she is and I made a commitment to spend the rest of my life with her. I didn’t make any covenant with a baby who isn’t even born yet. As for the baby, he will not return to me but I will go to him one day. The baby is a bonus and a blessing but my wife is my life as I love her as I would love myself.

This is a catch-22 situation. Two lives that are extremely important to you are at stake. The only question concerns the person you are and the purity and clarity of your love. Some may raise an eyebrow especially those who subscribe to cultural pressure of the need to have offspring at all costs but I guess I find many elements of tradition and culture restrictive and absurd. As I tell my mom, I left the constraints of culture and tradition in Singapore when I was eight. For me, the freedom of the mind, the clarity of faith and the magnitude of love are of paramount importance and not societal of family pressure. With that, do forgive me if I caused any discomfort by discussing that extreme case.

And going back to the question whether sex between minors is ok? I say no. It is not. And if the results of the study are true, which I highly doubt, but by chance, just by chance are true, I think it is very disheartening. The precarious state of identity and the meaning of life is demonstrated in social ills that involve the youth of today from sex among minors to extreme violence. I remember I cried when I read about the Columbine shooting for the first time. Everyone around me seemed indifferent, oblivious to what took place half a world away. The recent killings at Virginia Tech elicited a different response from me however. A deep sense of distrust in the education system and what is deemed as primary importance in today’s world. The university authorities had the opportunity to save approximately 30 lives but they chose to proceed with classes. What good is worldly knowledge to you when you’re dead? What good is worldly knowledge to you when you see your friends fall by your side and you are powerless to do anything? What good is worldly knowledge when you are staring into the barrel of a gun hoping for some miracle that it will malfunction? It becomes meaningless.

I am amazed at how quick people started the search for scapegoats. A Chicago reporter jumped the gun and originally wrote that the gunman at VT was from China. Needless to say, he was left red faced. When the real killer was identified, a backlash against East Asian students followed. And we see the sad progression of hate to murder to presumptuousness to racism to more hate. And the cycle that took place in Columbine repeats itself at VT as the blind lead the blind. Drawing a parallel, the cycle of unbridled and uneducated sexual drives continues as the young people of today lose track of their moral and loving obligations to one another.

I do not put the blame solely on the families of the perpetrators, be it the sexual predators in the case study, Eric and Dylan at Columbine or the Korean at VT. We must look at the roots of such social ills rather than looking at the branches. I think that most of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. Most of the blame in fact, lies in educational boardrooms that set policies that leave young people feeling disillusioned. Some of the blame lies with us. Because we form social support systems that could lessen the impact of people who suffer from depression. Not everyone is blessed enough to snap out of it. I was lucky. We can form support systems to help educate minors on their struggles with sexuality. Everything that is happening around us today can be viewed as spiritual events that can be used to remind us to go back to the basics. We must go back to the hope that springs eternal.

One good historical fact that is worth noting is that the best educational institutions today started of as theological seminaries. In all honesty, the world back then was very much more beautiful than the cities we have today. I recently watched a video recording of a mission trip to a forest tribe and I was close to tears thinking how poor we really are compared to those indigenous people. They live surrounded by nature while we have to fork out hundreds of thousands in order to purchase a little plot of land or some space in the air in order for us to rest our heads. I found the absurdity hard to swallow. Odysseas Elytis said and I quote, “The lack of synchronicity between nature and man caused the lack of synchronicity between body and soul. When the nightingale isn’t heard, the Molotov cocktail is.” I believe that without the influence of religious understanding and an appreciation for the beauty of small things, we can never be at peace. We have been homo duplex individuals since the beginning of time, and by not allowing God into our curriculums, we allow evil to flourish.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)

I was at Genting Highlands from the 13th to 15th of this month and I can never forget the flight of a lone solitary bird in the sky. It circled a few times and cried out seemingly in desperation. Was it looking for food, a mate, or was it just looking for its offspring? And the sound of that bird pounded hard against my ears and at the back of my mind, it was the sound of God crying. An almost audible cry against the evil that is prevalent in our world, crying for the lost, crying for you, for me.

India is a fascinating country for me and I really appreciate the value of its subjectivities. I marvel at how high the literacy rate is in Keralla and I marvel at how rich the history of the nation is. Above all, I marvel at the brave people who serve there like Arundhati Roy and Mother Theresa. And Mother Theresa said that “we touch the hands of God everyday.” I pray that all of us, Christian or not, can work together to make this world a better place in whatever miniscule ways we can.

And right now, I feel a great solicitude. A solicitude for all the young people who suffer mental anguish in the aftermath of sexual abuse. A solicitude for all those who have to look death in the eye and actually taste it. A solicitude for all of us. Because on us depends tomorrow. May I dare so much as to say now that the cries of those who suffer and die will not be in vain. For I know that my God will not allow that to happen.


Coz I know my God saves the day

And I know His word never fails

And I know my God made a way for me

It's gonna be alright

Coz I know my God saves the day

And I know His word never fails

And I know my God made a way for me

Salvation is here

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kick It Like You Mean It!

Old habits die hard. Take me as an example. I get overenthusiastic when it comes to food and as you can see, the animal instinct in me just takes over. "I got to have it! FAST! I don’t care who is watching me! Where is that grape?"

Seriously though, we all struggle with our excess baggage. And our bad habits come in a myriad of forms. Smoking, binge drinking, abuse of substance; the list just goes on and on. But you may say, "Look mom, I don't do all that!" Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but there are other habits that can be detrimental to our personal and spiritual well-being.

While we may be physically pure, the real battle is going on in the mind. And the adversaries we face in that battlefield come in the form of doubt, lust, covetousness, envy, et cetera. I don't know about you but I struggled with impatience, anger, pride and an unforgiving heart. Above all, I had the compulsive disorder to bring things under control (Frederick Winslow Taylor syndrome) and the insatiable hunger to be accepted for who I am.

Such habits can be attributed to the internalization of our experiences and our past has an exceptionally high propensity to affect us. In my case, it was the loneliness and rejection I felt as a child growing up alone. Upping the ante, I'll attribute my struggle with bitterness and anger to the torrid time I endured when I was afflicted with depression. As for pride, a good start in life can really inflate you and my struggle for acceptance slowly evolved into a "me versus them" mentality. Wow... what a mouthful.

And as Lenin would ask, "What is to be done?"

Miracle One: Kick It!!!

Making peace with yourself and your past is a tall order. Take it from me. I tried and I failed countless times for seven years. On certain occasions, I actually made good progress. But human effort can only take you so far, and then comes God. And as my efforts hit one brick wall after another, I just raised my hands in exasperation and asked Jesus to do it for me. And He did it through a process called Conversion.

Conversion implies spiritual change. It can be likened to a turning of one's character from the desires of this world or sin, to Christ. The rejection of sin is termed as Repentance and the desire to follow the heart of God, Faith.

While Conversion was a term I was familiar with in my earlier days, it was actually alien to me as far as experience was concerned. And this is because knowledge alone is insufficient. One may be able to quote scripture and to impress from a theological point of view but this alone is no indication of his or her faith. James 2:19 says, "You believe that there is one God. Good! But even the demons believe that and shudder." In John chapter 3, Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus came from God but the question of his trust in Jesus is shrouded in ambiguity. As for me, I delved into too much left brain stuff, and that made me prideful in head knowledge, while the beauty of the gospel just passed me by.

The Bible says that God knows us even before we are conceived and I really believe that this is true. He knew more than anyone that I am competitive by nature and the only way I would submit to His will was for me to be truly beaten. Oh well, I guess some people just have to find out... THE HARD WAY! Here's a tip. Never fight with God. Seriously, don't.

I wanted to change. I wanted to be happy in accordance to His will. I wanted to serve Him. But I wanted to cling on to my junk as well. It was only when I was down and out when He could remove my heavy burdens and give me a much lighter load. Picture it this way. We carry our bags and Jesus wants to embrace us. And we can only embrace Him back if we let our bags go. As the narrative in Matthew 11:28-30 goes, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

And as I submitted to His will, I finally experienced the liberation I was seeking all along. Out went the heart of stone and in came a heart of flesh. I was always an emotionally sensitive individual but to my amazement, those senses were further heightened when I surrendered my all to Him. Initially, I was afraid. I was afraid because for once, everything was out of my hands. I was afraid because of the magnitude of change. I was afraid because I did things that I never dreamed possible. But as He showed me His laws and statutes that I read all along but never practiced, I warmed to the change and now, all fear is gone.

I say now beyond the shadow of doubt that personal trust in Jesus is the best thing anyone can have. Some of you still struggle with heavy loads. They range from hurt to disappointment to crazy dreams that only suit you. Give it all up to Him. For anyone who is living in the past, my heart cries out to you. No matter how beautiful the past may be, be contented in the present and be confident for tomorrow as He holds the future. Just kick away the excess baggage and set your eyes on the cross.

I received an e-card that said "You think it is not worth it... God says it is worth it. You say I can never forgive myself... God says He forgives you. You say that nobody loves you... God loves you." I hope you derive the same encouragement I received from these words. Illustrating further, God is knocking on the door of your heart today as He did to the church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:20). Can you imagine God knocking? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Finally, recall the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 shows God running to you and me in verse 20. Kick off your chains. Seek Him while He is near. Stretch out your hands.


And that was when God ran to me

He held me close to His chest

Looked into my eyes and said

"Son, do you know I still love you?"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Old Gamers Never Die...

I will always remember my first Warcraft III Frozen Throne tourney win in 2003. No, it has nothing to do with lucrative prizes. On the contrary, it has a special place in my heart because it was my debut in competitive gaming and winning your debut tournament is quite a feat. The prize was a mere 200 ringgit, a DOOM 3 FPS game that I never installed (Because games like that give me the creeps) and a lousy t-shirt that I never wore. Also, the experience helped me believe in myself and showed that I still had the desire to be competitive after coming out of depression. The guy beside me was my opponent in the final. Nobody really gave me a shot at winning and he was no different. Initially making fun of me before our final match, the closing seconds of the final match came in the form of an in-game conversation.

Whatzizname: "I think it is time for me to say GG (Good game).
Richard: "I don't need you to tell me that."
Whatzizname: "Lan ci"
Richard: "Is that a fruit?"
Richard: "Sorry if I offended you. But seriously man, it really is quite obvious."
Richard: "And the prematch chat wasn't very nice from your part. I'm not complaining."
Whatzizname: "Ok laaaa... nice harassment"
Richard: "GG"
Whatzizname: "GG"

I felt quite bad that he thought I was being arrogant and I asked him to join me in a pic. We met another time at a tourney in 2005 and I'm glad to say that both of us were very well behaved and we had a good game.

What's more is always more and I ended up playing competitively online for foreign teams. I never knew how much money was involved in competitive gaming and it really astounded me how "kids" could actually earn 3-6 times more than their professional counterparts. And it shocked me further that I could actually be a part of that world. Soon, the ringgit made way for euros and I was enjoying every moment of it. After a strong showing at the AGC where I was blessed enough to knock out three of the top five seeds, Team 64 AMD came knocking and the offer was too good for me to turn down. I signed a professional contract which is every Malaysian gamer's wet dream.

From a certain point of view, gaming was great for me then as it funded my school fees and exam payments. It strenghthened the cash nexus and ensured gifts for my parents and the girl every now and then. I made new friends from all over the world and I learned a lot from them. Some of them are still going strong today. Hi Alex!

2004 and 2005 were great years as Team 64 wrapped up a remarkable season to emerge champions of the annual WC3L (Warcraft III League). To cap things further, I came in second in the "Rookie of the Year" awards and finishing as the bridesmaid to someone like mYm.Lucifer who is one of the best Warcraft players in the world today is no joke. I did relatively well in local offline tournaments as well and the entire experience was fulfilling to say the least. My only regret was not practicing hard enough to win WCG Malaysia 2005. I came so close but I guess close is never good enough. Oh well, it serves me right for playing to the crowd. It taught me a very important lesson. Result > Style + Charisma + Entertainment

A very bad 2006 killed my motivation for gaming and the breakup of Team 64 left me further disenfranchised. I had a few opportunities to remain in the scene but I was burnt out from the pressure of delivering results week in, week out. And while my spirit remained young, I had to be honest enough to concede that my body was aging and waking up continuously at 2-3am just didn't seem feasible anymore. Ultimately, I lost my love for the game. It is different when you play a game for fun and when you treat it more than a game and play it solely for the result. I called it quits and left the competitive scene. Nevertheless, my personal life hit one bump after another and I just had to restore some sense of normalcy. I turned to casual gaming and picked up the most addictive game to date, World of Warcraft aka Warcrack.

Playing under the moniker Sarahtan (The standout toon in the pic with the sexy shoulders and the flashing blade), my WoW experience was extremely enjoyable. For the first time since 1998, I could actually play a game purely for fun. There was no pressure to achieve the impossible and the massive multiplayer aspect of the game only added to its appeal. With 12 million players currently and counting, one wonders when the WoW bubble will burst. So appealing was the game that at times, I could actually "switch channels" from the turmoils of life and just play.

But like life, I soon realised that WoW was like a pie eating contest where the reward is more pie. While the evolving game content and the interactive element made everyday new, the core foundations of the game worried me. In economics, we identify a rational consumer through their actions based on their preferences and not whether the preferences themselves are rational. And the preference of 12 million people who willingly threw away their lives scared me. I quit the game after a conversation with a cute gnome mage named Alexa, who is actually a pretty American Chinese lady in real life, who is coincidentally standing beside me in the pic. She really does need a stool.

Richard: "So how long have you been playing this game?"
Mu: "Before release... since beta."
Richard: "Wow... that's a long time?"
Mu: "Yup. Rather long... want the exact amount of time?"
Richard: "Eh?"
Mu: "There is a timer inside the game. Lemme go check."
Mu: "382 days played. I have other alts so I think I've played for about 410 days?"

Richard: "What the h**l? How can you do that?"
Mu: "The same reason why everyone including yourself logs on. For fun."
Richard: "How do you check that timer again?"
Mu: "Type /played"
Richard : "Kk thanks."

My /played came out with 40 odd days. I almost got a heart attack. A little voice in the back of my head whispered "You can make it 50." I told the devil on my shoulder to take a walk. I quit the game the next day. Regardless of how bad my year was, escapism would only make it worse.

2007 saw the release of an old favourite, Command & Conquer. Needless to say, I picked up a copy with the desire to enter WCG for one last hurrah. Without much effort and playing only sparingly, my rank constantly hovered in the world's top 30. I agreed to join a Singaporean team and I took a couple of young enthusiastic players under my wing. After only 3 training sessions that only lasted half an hour each (My CnC games normally last 4-6 mins) due to real life commitments, they have made remarkable progress. While I'm happy that I can still make an impact in this area, I'm not as young as I used to be. Part of me wishes I was 18-20 again so I could play another 2-3 years with these young kids. Part of me wishes I could play for another 2-3 years. Well, I can. But I choose not to. I don't want to.

A sister of mine has the surprising and sometimes inspiring tendency to give me a good smack whenever I need it and by some coincidence, she left me with some food for thought immediately after I confirmed the end of my gaming days. Quoting from Benjamin Franklin, "Life's greatest tragedy is that we grow old too soon and wise too late." I'm happy that I've decided to stop now before getting burned out again. Delving deeper, there are other reasons. I realized that I've touched lives in every sphere of my journey be it in the real world or the virtual one. Many people cried the day I decided to leave WoW and it really baffled me as it rarely happens in such magnitude in real life. But I guess love and relationships transcends all barriers.

Part of the reason why I decided to try WoW out was that I was tired of being alone and I was disappointed by all the lousy and superficial relationships out there. Hence, I sought to build bridges in a world where appearances are secondary (Or so I thought). While I managed to develop a close rapport with the people who I got to know personally in the game, most of them were half a world away. On the other hand, the people who could reciprocate directly were before my eyes. I just didn't see it because I lost faith in people and I lost faith in myself. I'm tired of chasing after the wind. I was lost and weary and delusional but I know what I want now. I know what I need. I know what I love; my God and His people.

Some of you remember me as that torch blower who subscribed to R.D.Laing's arguments that families are dysfunctional. As some of you already know, I no longer support that stand. And while some of you are shocked, allow me to clarify my view that it is what we do that determines whether families work or not. I always believe that effort and pleasure go hand in hand. But effort must come first. It starts with us and sitting in front of a monitor for a few hours every week isn't going to make our families better. Some of you play games to get the load off your shoulders and I admit that I was no different but it only lets the real problems linger. Let's get on the balcony and get our hands dirty shall we?

We can make that difference if we believe and want it hard enough. Many of you fellow gamers will agree that belief gets 50% of the job done. So to all the people struggling with their relationships with their loved ones or their families, may you believe and act. Elvis said that ambition is a dream with a v8 engine. So it is with faith and love. Seriously i say to you, damn the money. Some of you say that I've changed and if I can change then you can change and we can make this world a better place for all of us.

To my friends in the picture above, truly I say to you, whoever does the will of my Father are my brothers and sisters. Thank you for all that you've done and for all that you're going to do. This is where I know I'm home.

This is home, surely
Where I know I must be
This is where I'll never be alone
For this is where I know I'm home

I thank everyone who has been an inspiration and an encouragement throughout my progaming days. What I've experienced would not be possible if not for all of you behind me. A football club will never have a great legacy if not for its fans and likewise, I would never have made it without your support. I'm overjoyed to see the gender revolution going on today and with more and more ladies entering the scene, some of our efforts to make gaming a truly universal sport are not in vain. We were right when we kickstarted the "Girls play it better" campaign. It is what costs that constitutes value and to all the ladies out there (Les Seules, Megapolis, Burnt Pink et cetera), your success costs you so much. You see Sofie, I remember. :)

General Douglas Mac Arthur once said that "old soldiers never die... they just fade away." Taking a leaf from his book, I'll say that old gamers never die, they just fade away. I leave with many smiles. The ride has been fun and I now retire to tend to what really matters to me from the inside out. My family. I wish all of you the best in gaming, be it professional, casual or just to kill time. Always remind yourself that while you can look after your pockets if you make it big, ask what is more important for you. Then go and do it. For all the budding stars out there, remember that success in this line is determined by skill, attitude and effort. Lastly, winners never quit and quitters never win.

With that, I now fade away.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Paint My Love

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is high.You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.And in return, you expect the same from who you love.Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.

Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.You've loved, lost, and loved again.You have had a wide range of love experiences.And when the real thing comes along, you know it!

Your dominance is low.This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.You know a relationship is not about getting your way.And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.

Your cynicism is low.You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.

Your independence is low.This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.

The Five Variable Love Test

I’ve always pooh-poohed the validity of love tests but for some reason, this one seemed pretty accurate. It really made my day too. Thanks for the forward, buddy! There is a story behind every result and this one is no different.

All of us have fallen in love at some point or other in our lives. No, it is not the teenage crush “I love you, you love me” kind of cow story with the big bull in them. Unless of course, you are still a teenager and if you are, you are at the wrong blog. Mature audiences only kk thanks. Okay, okay, bad joke.

I always believe that love does funny things to an individual. Sometimes, it brings out the best in us and at times, the worst. Citing myself as an example, I have the tendency to become a total buffoon in front of a woman that I fancy (Especially at the initial stages or when I’m trying to ask her out). But once all the butterflies in my stomach decide to find another abode, things become much better and she brings out the best in me. Hey, no kidding. Just go ask my ex. LOL!

Falling into depression is no joke and it can steal away a person’s best years. And there are few of those years. Depression really KOed me and I found it hard to get my derailed life back on track. I really thank God that he allowed a special woman into my life to help ease the hurts and to show me that I could still be a blessing to other people. I learnt so much and today, I can only look back at 1 Corinthians 13 and smile.

“… Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

A dear woman in my life once complained “They’re all younger than me.” Oh well, if it is written that you should date younger men, you can’t escape. It isn’t all that bad either. I know I made her smile a lot. She’s doing great in her relationship right now and I’m delighted for her and I wish her all the best. As for me, I’ve got a complaint about the women that I fancy now. “They’re all better than me.” Well, as far as achievements are concerned, that is.

And the dreaded “what if” dialogue comes back to haunt me. What if I wasn’t so stubborn and let go of my ideals? What if I didn’t fall into depression? What if I didn’t feel like I had nothing to prove to anyone? What if my parents didn’t coerce me into the pure sciences? What if this, what if that. Zzzzzz. Oh well, the world may not make sense but I can make sense. And I will try to make their dreams come true.

You probably think that I’m a hopeless romantic by now. Yea, I am. So bite me. What? You don’t believe in love? You’re seeing red and you feel like charging me like a bull at a matador? Go ahead. But before you do, do allow me to inform you that bulls don’t just charge at red. They’re colour blind and charge at anything that provokes them. See how many things you learn from my blog? LOL! Ok, charge me now and I’ll leave you with a song while you’re at it.

I bless the day I found you
I want to stay around you
And so I beg you
Let it be me
Don't take this heaven from one
If you must cling to someone
Now and forever
Let it be me
Each time we meet, luv
I find complete love
Without your sweet love
What would life be
So never leave me lonely
Tell me you love me only
And that you'll always
Let it be me
Now and forever
Let it be me

P.S. I'm still here!

There She Goes Just Walking The Street... (Why Men Die Younger)

So ok. You're blessed. You have a nice girl who loves you. She's always there for you and she'll still be with you tomorrow. So try to think about it the next time before you cheat. If she can say, "Your people will be my people and your God will be my God", the least she deserves is your faithfulness. So next time, THINK... coz this is the first as well as the last time I'll be covering your butt. And if you need any reminders, these pictures should give you a slap in the face as well as a good laugh.

"There she goes just a walking down the street... She looks good! She looks fine! She looks good, looks fine and she really blows my mind."

Manfredd Mann's "Do Wah Diddy"

-Looks like his mind won't be the only thing that'll be blowing up.

"I will love you for the earth at my feet. I will love you for the sun in the sky. I will love you for the falling rain. Oh- Oohhh... I will love you for the CAR that could break..."
Color Me Badd's "The Sun, The Earth, The Rain"
-'nuff said.
"I believe in miracles! Where you from? You sexy thing!"
Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing"
-The dead may be raised but what are they going to do without a head? Believe in miracles but don't wait for them. And keep your eyes on your missus!

"Oh when you walk by every night, talking sweet and looking fine. I get kinda hectic inside. Mmm baby, I'm so into you. Darling if you only knew, all the things that flow through my mind."
Mariah Carey's "Sweet Fantasy"
-I wonder what is going through the mind of the guy getting the shave.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Relax, refresh, renew. That was the theme of a recent camp I attended. And for once, I came back totally in agreement. Ack… I must stop being so sceptical. >.> Fresh from lessons learned, I wish to comment on another term today. Regenerate. It is similar to the word renew but with 5 extra letters.

In a broad theological sense, Regeneration is an act of God where spiritual infusion takes place. An individual is said to be “born again” and his or her life undergoes a change for the better. Over time, there will be less of the individual’s selfish innate desires but more of God’s will in their lives. This echoes the prophecy of Ezekiel that proclaims “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezekiel 38: 26-27)

From scripture, two members of the Trinity are seen to play an active role in this spiritual infusion. In 1 Peter 1: 3, God the Father gives us new birth by raising Jesus Christ from the grave. Going further, Paul writes that God “made us alive in Christ.” (I forget where this is…) Jesus on the other hand, introduced the “Helper” or the Holy Spirit and maintained that the third part of the Trinity would produce the act of Regeneration. In my opinion, Regeneration is the will of God the Father and the Holy Spirit helps to start and sustains that process.

The process of Regeneration varies from individual to individual and those who were once dead to God in their sin (Ephesians 2:1) will be made alive to God in a powerful way. The Holy Spirit will be the impetus behind Regeneration and ultimately, this process is as mysterious as it is powerful. Jesus says “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

It is the conviction and hunger for God through Regeneration that brings about change in our lives. When Regeneration takes place, a believer desires the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23), namely, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. While some may baulk and complain that such traits of living are tedious, 1 John 5:3-4 says on the contrary that “His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God has overcome the world.” As Regeneration takes place, the process of becoming more Christ-like is actually a joyful one.

And I can say now that I’m happy. And I would like you to be happy too. For more information, dial 1800-Church.

Good night everyone.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Given the precarious state in which we evaluate ourselves in today’s lousy modern world (or postmodern, call it what you want), the emotional sphere is bound to generate some status anxiety in all of us, no less from the material sphere. Indeed, self-conception has become so fragile that one can feel the highest of highs when his or her name is remembered or when a card or a fruit basket is received. On the other hand, one’s balloon of self-image is deflated when one is treated with disregard.

What is the predominant impulse that drives us to be loved? Why do we behold the affections of others and allow their actions to leave a mark on our latent self-assessment?

For starters, as social beings, our sense of identity has the nagging tendency to be held captive by the perceptions of others. No matter how much we try to deny it, the “other” plays a significant role in our lives. Their actions matter to us because we tend to see ourselves as how they would perceive us. This happens because we are plagued by a congenital uncertainty regarding our value in society. If the “other” can elicit such responses from us, what about the impact of our “significant others”?

I shudder while I imagine the magnitude of their actions. In my opinion, the ideal would be for people to be resolute and pay no heed as to whether they are treated well or otherwise. Delving deeper, we would not be easily seduced or wounded. However, all my ideals melted yesterday when I accompanied a friend to hospital. She needed to treat an infected toe and two of us were there to provide her with moral support and from another point of view, entertainment. All calm before the storm.

And as we were there together, her fears eased and while it still was a “never done this before” experience, a quiet confidence slowly developed. While bounded rationality would have a lot to say about yesterday’s incidents, no branch of philosophy or rational analysis could have captured the effect. To even attempt to do so would do nothing but injustice to that beautiful moment. It was SO REAL. Existentialism, eat your heart out!

While the operation was underway, I had a good few moments by myself. And I pondered my own operation at the end of last year. My toe was not the problem but my b@*ls. But no one was there in my time of trial. And as I endured the long wait (No thanks to the doctor who kept me in anticipation), I felt so alone. So alone that I marveled at how blessed my friend was to have people to care for her and encourage her.

It struck me then and there that so many moments in my life happened in stark contrast to her time of trial. Standing alone, fighting alone and winning alone may be good, but only for a while. For when you do that, that’s all you’re going to have. Yourself. And when you’re weary and go back to the well for that second wind only to find that it isn’t there anymore, who is going to lift you up? It was the “others” who helped Moses raise his hands when all his strength faded away and the battle was won. No matter what the triumph, no matter what the test, it suddenly seemed that I was a “successful failure.”

I have left my friend in good spirits. She went through her trial in faith and I say without reservation that she is splendid in every way. I’m thankful that in the process of fulfilling the commandment to care for one another, I learned something for myself as well. When I served in church, it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes. My life has turned many pages since I took the altar call all so many years ago, and many dreams have since died, but I still remember the refrain of the ballad that proclaimed “One set of footprints in the sand…Oh yes, at last I understand.” And while I am thankful that I was carried, a few extra footprints along the way isn’t such a bad thing after all.

And like the man facing the sea in the picture, I still stand alone in many aspects of my life. I need a new song. “Oceans will part” kk thanks. :) It is my desire to try to do my duty as God gives me light to see that duty but this time, I want to do it together with the people whom I love.


P.S. Dedicated to my two friends who reminded me how important fellowship is. Indeed, we're all blessed.