Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sophie Scholl (Richard's Top Ten: Stuff you don't say during a movie)

Summer blockbusters are here again. And as usual, the hoi polloi fight tooth and nail to obtain seats for Shrek the Third, Pirates of the Caribbean and our friendly neighbourhood superhero. While I succumbed to the pressures of the world and caught the eye candy movies, the contemplative and soulful part of me pined for something more. And in Sophie Scholl, I found it.

The movie is based on the true story of Germany’s most prominent anti-Nazi heroine, Sophie Magdalena Scholl (No prizes for guessing there…) and revolves around the last six days of her life. A student activist, Sophie is a member of a society named the White Rose that operates in Munich to start an underground resistance movement against the monolithic Third Reich regime.

Initially a member of the
Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls), Sophie’s initial enthusiasm was replaced by resistance after she witnessed or discovered the regime’s atrocities against humanity that included the mass murder of disabled children, the extermination of European Jews and the ill treatment of Bolshevik PoWs on the Eastern Front.

Participating actively in the underground movement, Sophie is caught with her brother Hans, while they attempt to distribute pamphlets on campus. The movie then zooms in on her character and convictions throughout her arrest, interrogation, confinement, trial and execution. A woman of substance, commitment, conscience and faith, Sophie stand tall throughout the midst of trial and temptation. The movie accurately captures her Protestant beliefs as well and her conviction and faith put many church goers to shame.

While some of my friends who study in Germany keep raving on and on about the pretty women, this movie gets a plus point from me for not starring a Heidi Klum look-alike but Julia Jentsch, a woman who actually looks like the real Sophie Scholl minus the curly hair. Julia plays her part with aplomb, mesmerizing the audience (albeit a small one) with a passionate, moving and timeless performance. It even made this jack@$$ of an author cry. Her grace and presence on screen is so very evident to the point where you actually feel like Sophie Scholl has come to life again.

Frankly, I am of the view that everyone should watch this movie at least once. Book your tickets now at Cineleisure Damansara. GO! As for me, I caught the movie today and while I learned many things from Sophie, I learned a bit from someone else as well. Move tip 101: Always go with someone who can appreciate the show. Take it from me; you don’t want to find out the hard way.

P.S. I had no choice. I felt tired of catching movies alone.

Richard's Top Ten

10. This is World War Two! Where are the explosions?
-.- Proof that some women don't always appreciate the finer things of life (Or life itself)

9. Richard, we're already at forty minutes and all we've seen are two people talking in a room. Can people talk that long?
Can people complain that long?

8. They should get a beautiful and sexy actress. The movie would be more dramatic that way.
Maybe you should act. I will throw things at you. Men may be from Mars and women from Venus but your planet is still unchartered.

7. I don't believe I drove so fast so we could catch this movie.
I don't believe I wish I was actually deaf!

6. Wow! Were the Nazis Buddhists? Their logo is so like that sign in Buddhism!
Zzz... Buddhism has a left-facing swastika while the Nazis used a right-facing one.

5. Eh... that guy is cute! So gaya...
Huttaphaq!? >.<

4. How did this movie win so many awards? Do people actually understand it?
Not you, apparently.

3. I thought this movie would be fun like Shrek or interesting like Spiderman.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the only similarity is that all three movies begin with S.

2. I'd appreciate it more if I could actually understand what she was saying.
Cough, cough... subtitles!

1. Why does it feel like I'm the only one talking here?
Because we're the only two people in the theatre and you're the only one talking.


Janice said...

I like your top-ten answers. hahahaha.

P/s: luckily i never watch any movie with you. hahahaha. I dont think i will understand this kind of show even though there are subtitles.

R1ch@rD said...

Awww don't say that! :(